*Thought for The Day*

.....Lasting a Lifetime!

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~" As the human in me, sits here scared, nervous, petrified, doubtful, and with eyes slowly growing more moister by the passing moment, not knowing what to do; My Creator Sits On His Throne, Knowing Everything, Knowing what no one else knows, Seeing Everything, Seeing What no one else can see, Knowing Me, Seeing Me.

And THAT is THE ONLY THING I know. In THAT I Seek Strength By Him Alone. In Him Alone I Seek Strength. To Him Alone I ask for Strength . To Him Alone I ask for Patience.~"

Oh The All-Knower, The Knower Of The Unseen, The Mightiest, The Merciful - Bless us likewise! Ameen!"~

- Nida Arshi Naqeeb ♥  

  - Nida Arshi Naqeeb ♥
(His slave, your sis)


  • "If as a Muslim, you're not a source of mercy to people, you need to question your existence."
    Shaykh Babikir Ahmed Babikir
    (Courtesy-Hefaza Ali) ♥


  • ♥ ~" Medically speaking, our sickness might need a cure.

    But Spiritually speaking, if He Wills, our sickness might be curing us!"~ ♥

    And May Allah, make our sicknesses to be a cure, and cure our sicknesses as well and provide us with ease here and in The Here-After! Ameen!

    -Nida Arshi Naqeeb♥
    (His slave, your sis) 


  •  ...And there are times when you try and try and try, and yet you fail an d fall. And then again you try, and try and try and yet again you fail and fall.
    And then out of the blue, He sends a little Inspiration your way; a little Sign - making you want to try again. Yet again In shaa Allah. And so you try and yet again you fail and fall-But with faith that though the human you can 'FALL' EVERYTIME,
    your Creator watches you and can 'RISE' you ANYTIME! *NOW IS THE WAIT FOR THE TIME*

    (O Allah! Be with us, Help us, Make us Rise! Ameen!)

    - Nida Arshi Naqeeb
    (His Slave, your sis)♥


  • "Whatever issues from God is by definition Beautiful, even if we cannot see that Beauty when God tests our faith with affliction."

Translated by: Dr. Mahmoud Khalifa

  • "In the hopes of reaching the moon, men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet."

    -Albert Schweitzer

  • "Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."

    -Louisa May Alcott

  • "The more difficulties one has to encounter, within and without, the more significant and the higher in inspiration his life will be."

    -Horace Bushnell


    Keep stopping by for more... 

    This 'Point' Awaits You!

    In shaa Allah!


  1. Hey i lyk this corner! <3 :) wen me & my bro wer kidz our father used to share with uz story followed by a new thought everynyt b4 v go to to sleep...& he used to end the story saying so "todays thought fr the day iz........!!!" :)Aaahhhh those wer beautiful childhood dayz!!! :) This corner wil b my most favryt alwayz! :))) THOUGHT FOR THE DAY! :))))

  2. awwwww..... that's so sweet and a wunnerful thing! Mashaa Allah! May Allah Bless your dad immensely and Grant from amongst The Highest Ranks in Jannat-ul-Firdous and with likewise fro you and your family too!

    I'm glad! Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah! I usually update more on fb..But will try updating here too as much as i can for you In shaa Allah!

  3. :))) JAzak Allah million khair nidz! :) thtz realy vry kind f u! :) i love these little tips i get echday to improve myself a lil bit today than what i wz yestrday!!! :)))

  4. MAsha Allah! Subhan Allah lovely thought nidz! how true iz tht v fall to rise agn!!! And where else can v can turn to if not to Allah??? The most merciful & the most compassionate! evn though v fall, he makes uz rise up with a new lesson, v r a better, mch improved person but only if v dont loose hope on him & trust him & have faith in him! if dont get hopeless of hiz power over uz and evry tiny thing tht exist in this universe.As muslims v r not allowed to loss hope on Allah s.w.t! if v cud only realize how Allah makes a believer a winner in evry situation,in evry fall & evry rise only f v hv faith in his decisions Subhan Allah!...i remembr this hadith...wana share with u.. Abu Suhayb ibn Sinaan narrated that the Prophet(p.b.u.h) said: “How amazing is the case of the believer; there is good for him in everything, and this characteristic is exclusively for him alone. If he experiences something pleasant, he is thankful, and that is good for him; and if he comes across some diversity, he is patient, and that is good for him.” [Muslim]

  5. I love you more for sharing sharing ur benficial thots with uz....Sweetie nidzyy! Uhibbuki fee sabeelillah!!!! <3 :) :* MAy Allah s.w.t reward u with Abundance of hz favourz...!!! :) i love all the quotes here soo mch! <3 :)


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