*Home Sweet Home*

(In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious,The Most Merciful !)


Its a ROLLER COASTER RIDE! Isn't it? Well I'm talking about LIFE of course!

PICTURE THIS>>> It's like we're aboard these cute little trains puff...puff...puffing up streams of smoke into the air, kooooo...chuk...chuk... ...chuking their way through ups and downs, hills and hillocks, valleys and mountains, twists and turns, dark tunnels and atop bridges, taking us on our Journey - THE JOURNEY OF LIFE!

It is on these trains, that we meet all sorts of people, some are already family, some become friends for life, some foes, some just acquaintances. But all-in-all, each come with their our own package of experiences; experiences we learn from; experiences that touch our lives; be it in any lil way; experiences that leave an imprint on us lasting a lifetime!

And while on  this Journey, come 'STATIONS'. Each station of its own kind. There are the happy kinds, the sad kinds, the troublesome kinds, the fun kinds, the serious kinds, the lovely kinds, and of all kinds you name

HALT! Comes a Station and the train stops! Whoooooshhh.....comes in a new whiff of air (characteristic of the station). Some passengers hop off, boarding different trains and some new hop on! And the journey continues from station to station, from point to point!
But during this our JOURNEY (thro' all the ups & downs, twists & turns); come moments, when we need a glowing pinch of Hope, a dripping drizzle of Love, a sweet dash of Faith, to give us that teeny-wee-bit of a PUSH! And Oh yeah, how can i forget, a sprinkle of 'Pixie Dust' tooooo; to let Our Dreams Soar Sky-High (*wink*)!!! In short, we all need a leeetle bit of INSPIRATION!

And to give us all just that , you'll find amongst the stations and points, that you're journeying through, a humble lil Point , on which you're alwayzzz WELCOME, travelling from or to, where you may! A Point ready to Inspire (InhaaAllah). A Point called - The "INSPIRATION POINT!" And well, It's all about........ ~HOPE.LOVE.FAITH~!!! (Isn't it?)

So here's hoping that you'd find yourselves taking a halt on this 'POINT" over & over again! In shaa Allah!


Pls do try keeping the comments & conversations polite and impersonal.

This is to prevent any sort of inappropriate comments and also to prevent unnecessary conversations between the opposite genders & to keep them minimal and to the point. Hope you understand In shaa Allah.
Thank you!

