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SUBHAN ALLAH! I wish i could express how beautiful and spectacular the sky looked just about sometime before now, when i went out to the balcony to pick the dry laundry. The sky was bespeckled with clouds, sparkling pristinely as if some in-built illumination system was switched on!
There was sometime left for Maghrib (the evening prayer for Muslims). The sky hadn’t darkened yet. It was still a clear blue. Quite strange for that time of the evening. Its usually darker by then. The sky was bespeckled with clouds that sparkled.
I immediately had the urge to take a ‘click’. But then, i knew right way that ‘the reel’ couldn’t do justice to ‘The Real’. (yeah, i know that most of the cameras are digitized, and don’t have ‘reels’ now, but you know what I mean , right?)
So I dropped the idea, and just stood there gazing at the vast sky-scape.
Towards the lower right of the sky, was this ‘huge mass of clouds’ like it was a ‘land’ in itself. As if you could easily reach it. And from there, there were clouds floating apart from this ‘land-mass-of-clouds’ forming an almost ‘semi-circular ring’ . And there were more. More such rings; like a layer after layer; ring after ring; each a little farther apart from the other and each more higher into the sky than the other- a semi-circular staircase in the sky had been ‘built’. The sky bespeckled; each cloud sparkled pristinely as if there were tons of in-built lights that had been switched on – ‘An Illuminated Staircase in The Sky’!
The ‘staircase’ lead from the lower right of the sky to high and above towards the centre of the sky, and gradually disappeared...’to another world wayyy above’...
It was as if, you could easily reach that ‘land-mass-of-clouds’ on the right that I told you about sometime ago, and from there you could hop on from one fluffy floating cloud to another and 'climb' the 'staircase' (and yeah, probably race too! Imagine hop-racing with friends, ‘Who’ll be first?’ *wink* Remember the mario game --> sky level); still climbing...climbing...climbing... to another world above!
Yup! That was how spectacular the view was, SUBHAN ALLAH! (Told you so!) My jaw had dropped softly, I noticed; mesmerised, I stood there. Almost half the clothes where still hung on the ropes. I had forgotten why I was there. Time had stalled. The world was on a stand still.
And then a sudden realization struck me! ‘GOSH!’ I had left milk for tea, on the stove! ‘The world was BACK IN ACTION!’ I ran to the kitchen. “The milk, for sure would have been over-boiled and spilt by now! The stove- a mess; that’s for sure!”, I thought. “EXTRA WORRRK!!!”, rung ‘THAT BELL’ in my head; though, in those micro-moments of running back to the kitchen, i hoped for the exact-opposite!
The milk was boiling-away merrily on the stove. No, not spilt. No, no mess either. Had I arrived a split-second later, the case and the ‘stove’s face’ would have been of a slighhhhtly different nature. *sheepishlyyy grinnnns* Saved in the nick of time! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) (For those of you who know the absent-minded, clumsy me, would be expecting otherwise; that’s for sure!*sheepishly grinnns again*) ‘The WORLD’, wasn’t on a STAND-STILL; apparently I WAS ! (Yeah, Go figure!) Me and My IMAGINATION! A girl can imagine, can’t she?! *wink*
I had just witnessed two little miracles in a matter of few minutes (Alhamdullillah! Mashaa Allah!). The ‘sparkling staircase to a world beyond’ for one, and the other was the milk saved from boiling over By His Grace. Add a third; for NOW, I write this, by His Inspiration and By His Will. To me they are all miracles. Maybe, for some who wouldn't let their hearts see, they aren't. But to me Yes, They all are! Miracles! (Alhamdulillah! Masha Allah! Subhan Allah! What more do I say?!). But then isn’t everything? – A Miracle? – A Sign?
- Nida Arshi Naqeeb
(His slave, your sis)
P.S. Like it? Then pls Share, Spread and Inspire as much as you can! (In shaa Allah!)
SUBHAN ALLAH! I wish i could express how beautiful and spectacular the sky looked just about sometime before now, when i went out to the balcony to pick the dry laundry. The sky was bespeckled with clouds, sparkling pristinely as if some in-built illumination system was switched on!
There was sometime left for Maghrib (the evening prayer for Muslims). The sky hadn’t darkened yet. It was still a clear blue. Quite strange for that time of the evening. Its usually darker by then. The sky was bespeckled with clouds that sparkled.
I immediately had the urge to take a ‘click’. But then, i knew right way that ‘the reel’ couldn’t do justice to ‘The Real’. (yeah, i know that most of the cameras are digitized, and don’t have ‘reels’ now, but you know what I mean , right?)
So I dropped the idea, and just stood there gazing at the vast sky-scape.
Towards the lower right of the sky, was this ‘huge mass of clouds’ like it was a ‘land’ in itself. As if you could easily reach it. And from there, there were clouds floating apart from this ‘land-mass-of-clouds’ forming an almost ‘semi-circular ring’ . And there were more. More such rings; like a layer after layer; ring after ring; each a little farther apart from the other and each more higher into the sky than the other- a semi-circular staircase in the sky had been ‘built’. The sky bespeckled; each cloud sparkled pristinely as if there were tons of in-built lights that had been switched on – ‘An Illuminated Staircase in The Sky’!
The ‘staircase’ lead from the lower right of the sky to high and above towards the centre of the sky, and gradually disappeared...’to another world wayyy above’...
It was as if, you could easily reach that ‘land-mass-of-clouds’ on the right that I told you about sometime ago, and from there you could hop on from one fluffy floating cloud to another and 'climb' the 'staircase' (and yeah, probably race too! Imagine hop-racing with friends, ‘Who’ll be first?’ *wink* Remember the mario game --> sky level); still climbing...climbing...climbing... to another world above!
Yup! That was how spectacular the view was, SUBHAN ALLAH! (Told you so!) My jaw had dropped softly, I noticed; mesmerised, I stood there. Almost half the clothes where still hung on the ropes. I had forgotten why I was there. Time had stalled. The world was on a stand still.
And then a sudden realization struck me! ‘GOSH!’ I had left milk for tea, on the stove! ‘The world was BACK IN ACTION!’ I ran to the kitchen. “The milk, for sure would have been over-boiled and spilt by now! The stove- a mess; that’s for sure!”, I thought. “EXTRA WORRRK!!!”, rung ‘THAT BELL’ in my head; though, in those micro-moments of running back to the kitchen, i hoped for the exact-opposite!
The milk was boiling-away merrily on the stove. No, not spilt. No, no mess either. Had I arrived a split-second later, the case and the ‘stove’s face’ would have been of a slighhhhtly different nature. *sheepishlyyy grinnnns* Saved in the nick of time! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) (For those of you who know the absent-minded, clumsy me, would be expecting otherwise; that’s for sure!*sheepishly grinnns again*) ‘The WORLD’, wasn’t on a STAND-STILL; apparently I WAS ! (Yeah, Go figure!) Me and My IMAGINATION! A girl can imagine, can’t she?! *wink*
I had just witnessed two little miracles in a matter of few minutes (Alhamdullillah! Mashaa Allah!). The ‘sparkling staircase to a world beyond’ for one, and the other was the milk saved from boiling over By His Grace. Add a third; for NOW, I write this, by His Inspiration and By His Will. To me they are all miracles. Maybe, for some who wouldn't let their hearts see, they aren't. But to me Yes, They all are! Miracles! (Alhamdulillah! Masha Allah! Subhan Allah! What more do I say?!). But then isn’t everything? – A Miracle? – A Sign?
“Have they not looked at the heaven above them, how We have made it and adorned it, and there are no rifts in it?
An insight and a Reminder for every slave who turns to Allah in repentance (i.e. the one who believes in the Oneness of Allah and performs deeds of His obedience, and always begs His pardon).”
(Surah 50: Verse 6 & 8)
“We will show them Our Signs in the universe, an in their own selves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur’an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?”(Surah 41:Verse 53)
“Verily, in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers.And in your creation, and what He scattered (through the earth) of moving (living) creatures are signs for people who have Faith with certainty.”
(Surah 45:Verses3 & 4)
“These are the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations,etc.) of Allah, which We recite to you (O Muhammad (SAW)) with truth. Then in which speech after Allah and His Ayat will they believe?
Woe to every sinful liar.
Who hears the Verses of Allah(being) recited to him, yet persisits with pride as if he heard them not. So announce to him a painful torment.And when he learns something of Our Verses (this Quran), he makes them a jest. For such there will be a humiliating torment.”(Surah 45: Verse 6)
“This (Quran) is a clear insight and evidence for mankind, a guidance and a mercy for people who have Faith with certainty.”
(Surah 45: Verse 20)
“And (Allah) has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favour and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a people who think deeply.”(Surah45: Verse 13)
- Nida Arshi Naqeeb
(His slave, your sis)
P.S. Like it? Then pls Share, Spread and Inspire as much as you can! (In shaa Allah!)
Beautiful Imagination sweetie Naqeeb!!! Hmmmmm.... You know wat i lyk the most abt ur writings Nids? why i can relate to it...??? Itz bcoz your writings are alwayz in refrence to Qur'aan and Hadith MA sha Allah!And the touch of Quran and HAdith makes your inspiration more empowering,more effectively inspiring! Masha Allah! it makes easy to relate,imbibe and imply! Alhumdullillah!:D JSt keep up with your same unique Style of Writing! MAy Allah(s.w.t) bless you with the wisdom that iz beneficial to you and all of uz around you! Ameen! :) <3