Friday, 8 March 2013

*For A Dear Friend*

 “ ‘Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow" ’Taking it one step at a time. Your loss can’t be replaced with anything. I thank ALLAH (swt) for blessing me with you as my son. I had the honor of experiencing motherhood. You were my strength, courage, the reason to my existence and you gave my life a direction. I wanted to succeed and do better in life so I could give you a good life. Even though you are not with me, I will still strive to do better in life...I know you are watching me and I wouldn't wanna disappoint you. We are apart right now my son. In shaa Allah one day I will be reunited with you again forever!”, she had written.

‘Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

Those were the exact words, that I had once come across long ago, during a hard phase of my life (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!). I had saved those words on my computer, and looked at them, often. Even more often, 'very often' would be my recollecting of them; those words and the strength within (By His Will). ' Those words had spoken for the turmoil inside me '; was how I felt . And so, sub-consciously they stayed within me, thereon (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!).

I guess I always thought that I’ll use them for one of my writings, or share them perhaps In shaa Allah. But eventually ‘THIS’ is how those words will be re-written; will be shared, was something that I never knew, never even thought of! Perhaps I would write them in relation to my experiences, in relation to me; I guess I thought. But that thought was far from ‘Reality’. Maybe, THIS’  is how it was meant to be, to be re-written, to be stressed upon, to be quoted; and no, NOT by ME; but by a Friend; by a DEAR FRIEND, By His Will.  
She is a school friend of ours. We all grew up together;  is how we see it (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) . By we, I mean all my school friends - childhood friends. I’m sure most of us, remember her as the sweet, popular athlete of our school (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) . But to me, I remember her for another reason too, something that even she might not remember. She was the first person who called me ‘CUTE’, as a teenager .  As far as I remember, yup, the very first! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) .  You do know, how as teenagers, those things matter (Or may be, it matters, even now as adults...well that’s another thing). Well it mattered to me, anyway; ‘me’, who was rarely ever complemented then! I never knew, or thought that I (of all the people) could look ‘cute’. But she made me wonder, otherwise! It boosted my morale, even if  it be a teeny little bit, and yes, it made me feel good; while she, probably must have been unaware of it (These things, do that to you, you know, even if it be about something as little as one’s ‘looks’, which by the way, you have done no work for to achieve. Its just a Blessing that Allah gives to everyone and its only Him you need to thank, for it! Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!)

She had spent a good word in my way by Allah’s Will (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!). 'The friend who called me ‘CUTE’'  . When I think of her, I often think of her like that. And also, for always being sweet to me in school! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah! May Allah Bless her! And Allah knows Best!)

‘Back to Now’. Quiet recently, she was going through a rough phase in life, when amidst it all, her son, almost a year old, had passed away, suddenly (By Allah’s Will). I still remember the day clearly; I’m sure we all do By Allah’s Will. Her sudden post on facebook, informing about her son being in ICU and fighting for life, and requesting for prayers and duas, had shocked us. They were in everyone’s prayers by Allah’s Will. But eventually, by Allah’s Will, the news of his passing away reached us. There are times, when the distances, the ‘irreversible fact’ of countries being far apart; of us being far apart, tugs at your heart, sickeningly. THIS was one of those times. I knew that we all wanted to rush to her; to be by her side; to be there for her. Her family was there with her (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!). But we, her ‘other family’, also wanted to be there for her. But, our prayers, our duas were! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!).

Those above words (the first paragraph), was written and posted by her on facebook, a few days after her son had passed away. “THAT EXACT QUOTE” was how she had begun with. ALLAH’S WILL! (SUBHAN ALLAH! How He and His Will amazes you!) In THAT is an Inspiration, By ALLAH’S WILL! In those words, in those thoughts  is an Inspiration By ALLAH’S WILL; if we would let our hearts  see, if we would let our hearts listen, if we would let our hearts understand; By ALLAH’S WILL!(Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah! For everything!)

She was braving it! She was seeking Inspiration! And through it (probably unaware, herself) spreading Inspiration By ALLAH’S WILL! (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!
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We all want an eternal abode in Paradise In shaa Allah. We all want our loved ones to have an eternal abode in Paradise In shaa Allah. But we do not know of its certainty in this life. We Pray for it. We have to work for it In shaa Allah. But ‘rarely’, do we ever know of the certainty (in this life) of being Blessed with it. ‘This’, though is one of those ‘rare times’. A Mother is Blessed with the knowledge of  her ‘s ‘one of the most beloved one’ on this planet being Blessed with Paradise; being Blessed with Jannah! ‘A Blessing in disguise’ perhaps!(And we never know what other Blessings are hidden within too!) (Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!) For every immature soul (child) when goes beyond this world, is Blessed with Jannah! SUBHAN ALLAH!
And now all she needs to do, is to work her way through this world, and strive to achieve the same destiny in the Abode Above where she can reunite with her little one! (In shaa Allah!) Her beloved son, probably an Inspiration. (In shaa Allah!)

Reported by Abu Musa Al-Ash`ari (RA): The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, “When a man’s child dies, Allah, the Exalted, asks His angels, `Have you taken out the life of the child of My slave?’ and they reply in the affirmative. He (SWT) then asks, `Have you taken the fruit of his heart?’ and they reply in the affirmative. There upon He asks, `What did my slave say?’ They say: `He praised You and said: Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un (We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return).’ Allah says: `Build a house for my slave in Jannah and name it Baitul-Hamd (the House of Praise).”’

Ahmad and Tirmidhi transmitted it.
– [At-Tirmidhi - Hadith 1736]

As for this world; this Dunya. Well you never know! He May Bless her with a new beginning. A WHOLE NEW BEGINNING! FRESH! RENEWED! In a whole new direction. In His direction. In a direction filled with more purity and clarity. In a direction that will give meaning to her life here, and at the same time pave her way to Blissfulness in the next. In a direction embedded with happiness for a Muslimah, from ‘here’ to ‘there’.  From this world to the next. From the temporary moments of this life to the life of eternity in The Here-After. From ‘H.E.R.E’ to ‘T.H.E.R.E’. IN SHAA ALLAH!

 I end, by these words that I had penned down,and posted on facebook, in a few moments after I had heard that news, that fateful day; in dedication to her, to them, to what had happened, and perhaps us all ! :

~In everything that Allah Bestows upon us is hidden a Reason. Sometimes we know the Reason then and there, sometimes it takes some time, sometimes it takes ages, sometimes it takes a lifetime and sometimes it is known in The Here-After (In shaa Allah!). But whatever it be; know that The Reason was good, is good and will always be good, for He, The Creator is Behind it; and that, Time will Surely Tell! HAVE FAITH - TO HIM WE BELONG AND SURELY UNTO HIM WE SHALL RETURN!

(O Allah! Ease this Journey for us and Make It to be solely On Your Way; and Ease the Return and Make our Destination with Ease with You in Jannat-ul-Firdous! Ameen!)

A Reminder and Dua for you, me and us- The Whole of Ummah! ~

May Allah reward you immensely for your resolve and patience, and compensate you immensely in this world and the next for all the hurt and the pain, and Bless you with all the strength, patience, calm, goodness, positivity and Inspiration. May Allah forgive you all your sins, Protect you from evil eye and all evil, Guide you on His Path Alwayz and Bless you with one of The Highest Ranks in Jannat-ul-Firdous! (likewise for your family as well !) Ameen!

Dedicated to our dear friend and her son.
And these are words I guess we all want to say.
So thereby, dedicated from ‘US’- your school friends- your childhood friends- your sisters in Islam- your ‘other family’.

And Now, By This Post and The Reminders within, I start My Blog - "Inspiration Point" In shaa Allah!

May Allah Guide this endeavour to Always Be On His Way! May Allah Guide us all! Ameen!


  1. Beautiful. ma sha Allah:-) very well written Nida. and yes I guess all IISRians feel the same.:-)

    1. Nida Arshi Naqeeb17 April 2013 at 08:24

      Assalamu Alaikum Asiya!!!
      Jazaki Allahu Khair tonzzz! May Allah Bless you Immensely! Ameen! *Love*

  2. Love de page nida... I managed to read here and there... I am soooo happy for u, u hav come up with such a stuff.. Happy tat u r doing something worthwhile in life. Alhamdulliah..

    1. Nida Arshi Naqeeb17 April 2013 at 08:26

      Jazaki Allahu Khair tonzzz!!! I'd love know who dis is pls???

    2. Assalamu Alaikum Ayshhhh...! *Heart*
      Now that i knw who dis is.... Jazaki Allahu Khair gazillionzzz! Meanzzz a lot coming frm u! Alhamdulillah! Mashaa Allah!
      May Allah Bless you and your family with The Best in this world and much more in The HereAfter, more than you can ever imagine and more than your hearts' craved for and Grant u all from amongst The Highest Ranks in Jannat-ul-Firdous and Love you all Manifold Times! Ameen! *Love* *Smilezzz*

  3. veryy touching!!! it! <3 May Allah bless ur friend with a new a whole new beautiful begining & a even perfectly beautiful hereaftr..! AMeen! thrs soo mch to lern frm ppl around Uz...Alhumdullillah for everything!!! :)))) Jazak Allah fr sharing this beautiful article sis! :) <3

    1. Assalamu Alaikum saher!
      Ameen to the Beautiful dua!!!
      Jazaki Allahu Khair tonzzz to u too! Indeed true!
      Wa iyyaki! *Smilezzz*

  4. walaikum Assalaam wrwb my beloved sweetie naqeeb! :)))) >:D<


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